Saturday 17 March 2012

Saturday Sleep!

It's Saturday! I love Saturdays! The chance to laze around, stay in pj's a bit longer and drink lots of coffee! We don't have any sports this weekend as they are over for the season. We have a two week break before Spring leagues start, and I am going to take advantage of it. I was planning on sleeping in today, but it didn't really happen as planned.  The alarm was set for 7:15 because Matt had to get up. I turned the alarm off, woke him up and rolled back over hoping to get at least another hour in of sleep. At 7:40, the cat started pulling my hair to let her outside. I got up, let the cat out and crawled bak into bed. I had just closed my eyes, and was falling back asleep, when my 8 year old son and my 6 year old nephew, wandered into my room wanting pancakes. It was now 8:00. I guess that was my sleep in! Oh well, it beats getting up at 6 I guess!
I have to leave the house in a bit to drive my nephew home and to pick up Adam and Anna who are sleeping over at their cousins house. I'll come home to wait for our Korean students friend to be picked up by his homestay family. After that, I'll drive our student to another friend's house for a birthday party. Once that is done, we have a bit of a free afternoon! Yay! I'm thinking a day of reading books, playing games and hanging out is in order! Happy Saturday!

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