Monday 19 March 2012


The other day, the kids and I had a discussion about kindness. We were talking about their friends and who plays with who at recess and lunch. We ended up talking about a few kids in their classes who don't seem to have a lot of close friends and are often times walking around by themsleves. This brought up the conversation about the importance of including everyone and ensuring that no one feels left out. My kids said that they will often say hi to these students. However, Adam, Anna and Caleb said that these students seem to not want to play with all of the other kids when they're outside. This began the big discussion! I thought it was very important to explain that these children may possibly be extremely shy and may not know how to join in with a group of close friends. We talked about what a difference it might make if everyday, students said hello to them and invited them to join in on their activities. We talked about how, for some children, it doesn't come easily, or naturally, to make friends and a bit of effort from others who do feel comfortable, can go a long way. I asked my own children how they would feel if they went to school everyday and no one talked to them. I think it made them stop for a moment and to evaluate their own roles and responsibilities. They are very fortunate that they all have close friends and are always included. Because of this, I asked my kids to make a concerted effort to go out of their way to show kindness.

As a parent, one of the main values that I want to instill in my children, is kindness. I want them to grow into adults that are are willing to take a stand for social justice and are willing to take a step forward in reaching out to others.  I am a firm believer that kindness can change the world and everyone has a responsibilty to take part!

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