Sunday 27 May 2012

Sun Shiny Days!

The weekend is over! I can't believe that it's Sunday night already and the week will begin again. I've made lunches, school uniforms are laid out and the kids are tucked into their beds. They're not asleep yet, but they're in bed! This weekend seemed to go by in a blur. We spent the day today doing some spring cleaning and we also went out and got the kids a few summer clothes. Nothing too exciting today! Yesterday, Adam spent the day at his friend's house and we spent the day outside! The sun was shining and the day was beautiful! I love sun shiny days when we get to sit outside and play! I snapped a few photos of Anna and Caleb enjoying their time in the sun!

 Bathing Beauty!

Rolling around the yard in a tube!

Deep in thought.....

Caleb picked buttercups and was seeing if him and Anna liked butter!

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